Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Blow off top?

The stronger the move on a head fake move, the stronger the fall. In addition to the F_E_D knee jerk reaction which was originally bullish and then traded down until JPM announced they passed the stress test at 3 p.m.

Watching some of the financials (I posted a couple compared to JPM-STI didn't look good), STI, C, MET and Ally Financial (GJM) are trading a bit interesting in AH.

JPM was pretty much the strongest in the financial test, they are trading down in AH by -.85%

The 4 that missed, C, STI, MET and GJM (except GJM which seems not to be trading) have moved off their lows.


On the close (see the light blue bid/ask)

Where STI is in AH compared to the close


On the close

ALLY which I can't pull on AH

And XLF..
XLF is down a bit.

Interestingly, AAPL is down a bit in AH. I think this is going to be an interesting night.

Updates as they occur.

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