Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Broader Market Update

If you haven't noticed already, the market moves in cycles, for the most part they stick to the 4-stages, but they occur in multiple timeframes and whether you are long or short the market at any one point (you can be both long and short at the same time, but for two different reasons) depends entirely on what timeframe you are trading.

For instance, without going in to the much larger Primary cycle from 2009 to present, we are in the middle of a cycle ending from early February through present, we are toward the end of another cycle from last Thursday to present, then there are smaller ones like the SPY puts entered today for even smaller cycles, so depending on the timeframe you trade, you could have very different positioning on the market and that's just a function of your preferences, but it is important to understand multiple timeframe analysis as a cycle tells you where you are in the grand scheme of things and being able to interpret the charts to read multiple timeframes gives you a sharper edge in understanding other cycles that you may not be trading, but are important to the timing of the one you are trading.

Some of the charts below are going to be an hour or so old, if there's anything significantly different since the close, I'll update that chart, if it tells the same story I'll leave it as is.

Lets just jump in. First you just saw the stronger 15 min Futures, these were negative on 5 min yesterday, today they are negative on the stronger 15 min charts, they aren't quite there in my opinion even though I think we see a short term move down (SPY PUTS today), I do think we are very close, VXX is my ultimate timing indicator.

The averages...
 DIA 1 min

DIA 1 min in the smaller cycle from last Thursday the 27th to present.

DIA 2 min lost a lot of ground today.

 You may recall on the 27th not only the 1-day 5 min accumulation, but the triangle in place as well...The distribution on the 5 min chart in the DIA since then is intense.

 The 1 min IWM saw mostly distribution today, but did have an EOD positive-ish divegrence, it gained a bit of ground off that, but it didn't change anything.

 Take for instance this IWM 2 min leading negative.

Or the IWM in line on this 3 min except the current divegrence which is negative as we see this smaller cycle start to fall apart, it should trigger the break of the larger cycle from the start of February as well, I would think VXX accumulation should be done by that time, which really doesn't look far off.

 The IWM 15 min chart shows the February (larger) cycle, there's stage 1 accumulation, stage 2 mark up , stage 3 distribution/top and stage 4 decline. Early in a stage 4 decline (think of a H&S top) one of the first moves is to shakeout new shorts entering on the break of the support trendline, this is "price confirmation" in Technical Analysis, however more often than not it is chasing and you can see how easy it is for the VSO (Volatility Shake Out) to knock those new shorts out of their positions. The ramp in a VSO is the last place of 3 areas I'll short a H&SS top and the same concept applies to this market as well.

You can start to see how the multiple timeframes can fit and work together.

 The QQQ 1 min acted the same way as the IWM toward the EOD
and gained a bit from it as well.

However this didn't change anything of importance.

The QQQ 2 min shows a trend of increasing deterioration with a sharp leading negative divergence

 This is the same chart throughout the smaller cycle from last Thursday's 5 min positive.

The QQQ 5 min has made a lower 3C low, it is leading negative which is a new development, from here things can fall apart very quickly.

And the totally in line 10 min chart shows the only divegrence on the entire chart being negative right now, this is EXACTLY the same as the IWM 3 min above.

 The SPY 1 min showed incredible distribution, even in to the EOD ramp.

 This is the same chart in scale for the smaller cycle since last Thursday, I THINK YOU CAN SEE WHY I CHOSE SPY PUTS TODAY.

THE SPY 2 min saw migration of the sharp 1 min negative, this is telling us the divegrence is healthy/strong.

 Even the 3 min chart saw migration of the divegrence today

The 5 min chart is where this cycle started, now we have a 5 min leading negative starting as well, all today.

As mentioned on a lot of 1 min charts, there were some smaller divergences toward the late afternoon to ramp the EOD, HYG was used as you can clearly see so the HFT algos are still out there, but I'll have more to say about that later.

 HYG (red) vs SPY (green) intraday... HYG was seeing 1 min positives too in order to try to tramp the close.

 There's it is on the 1 min chart, but as far as anything that can really stick, it's not there.

HYG 5 min leading negative.

As you know, the VXX has been extremely important to me for timing purposes, in fact usually a market move is typically for a head fake, I think this move is more to push the VIX futures lower rather than set a bull trap.
 Ever since VXX broke /gapped down on the first day, accumulation started, there seems to be some real urgency, also the reversal process is forming up well in this case and is looking proportional, THIS IS WHY I THINK WE ARE VERY CLOSE TO BOTH CYCLES ENDING AT THE SAME TIME.

Intraday the 1 min accumulated lows, it looked like it would head lower again to accumulate more, but there was barely a negative divegrence to send it lower as they don't want to let go of many shares they accumulated to turn the asset. In any case, it worked and we should see these divergences just increase in strength.

 The 2 min chart shows the exact same, accumulation at lows (which was why we wanted to see VXX move lower in the first place) and again, very little to almost no distribution to turn it, as I said, it's about accumulating and the fewer shares they have to feed out to turn the market, the faster they can accumulate their position.

 The 3 min chart is fleshing out that "Flying" quality, it wouldn't take much from here to create a full flying positive divegrence,

Look at the 10 min chart, like others above (the averages) the asset is totally in line until recent accumulation, that's a very vertical 1-day move for such a long timeframe.

Maybe most impressively, the 15 min chart where the underlying trade/trend accrues, is in a leading /flying positive divegrence, it just needs to add a bit to the current signal to be where I want to see them to start taking action in earnest.

As for Leading and other indicators... Some of these will show you why I went with a short term SPY Put position.
 VXX vs the SPY (SPY prices inverted) shows outperformance in VXX after underperformance most of the week.

This is HYG vs SPX around 3 pm, you can see it is giving a leading signal that I believe will continue to deteriorate as HY Credit is sold off harder in front of a market fall.

 This is the larger cycle from early February to present, HYG was in line tick for tick early on and is clearly dislocating negatively with the SPX, yet you can see at least 3 different timeframes/trades in HYG/SPY.

 What got me to move on the Puts today for a short term trade was pro sentiment, it clearly fell off in both versions of our Leading Indicators...

 Sentiment vs SPY.

Also commodities fell off vs the SPy, even though pm's had a good day, UGLD and NUGT finished with 2.31 and 7.25% gains today, I THINK THERE'S A LOT MORE TO COME AND COME QUICKLY.


I believe we will likely see some short term downdraft, but whether we do or not, both the longer cycle and shorter (week) cycle are both in the late stages, I mentioned the short term being like a fuse setting off a chain reaction to move the larger trends, I think that is what we are seeing in multiple timeframe analysis.

I'll be checking on some other assets as well as futures in a bit, I'll let you know if anything interesting is standing out, but we are making good progress.

Quick Market Update

I want to show you a broader market update and I will, but for now lets just go with the Index Futures which are at a stronger 15 min timeframe now, beyond's yesterday's negative 5 mins.

 ES 15

NQ 15

TF 15

VIX Futures 15 min

NFLX Follow Up-Reiteration

Tuesday, April 1st I opened a NFLX April $355 call position as well as a NFLX long (equity) position for the trading portfolio (partly as a hedge to the short leaning portfolio).

Both the calls and the equity position are in the green, just slightly. I still like both, I still think they look great today (especially vs the broader market) and I still think they are in the buy zone.

Trade Idea: SPY PUTS

I'm going to enter what I think for the moment, will be a short term trade, however the longer term set up I don't think is far behind and I think you'll understand what I mean when I get out the next Broad Market Update I'm working on.

In the meantime, I'm looking for a quick move down in the market, I'm targeting the SPY April $190 PUTS, full position size.

Not only do the intraday charts support it, but a lot of Leading Indicators, you'll see all of these shortly.

Quick Market Update

I will get charts out ASAP, but I needed to get this out at least, right now the intraday (and beyond in many cases) 3C charts of the averages (SPY, IWM, etc.) are looking real bad.

I'd consider opening some shorts, but for me this is ALL about VXX and those crazy leading vertical divergences, VXX is putting in the work, it is putting in the skeleton of those divergences, it just needs to be fleshed out a bit more and that's where I want to enter as VXX / VIX futures HAVE ALWAYS been the timing indication for shorts that I've been watching for, I believe this is the 4th week now and it just started last Friday and continues today.


Just a quick note, despite the gap in NUGT and GLD/UGLD (as the market has been ruthlessly filling gaps the last 4-5 years), I have NO intention of letting go of either long position.

If I had calls on GDX with a gain, I'd probably take them and look for a new entry, as far as calls on GDX still in the red, so long as the calls are at least out to April (standard), I have no problem holding them.

NUGT is up 9.34% today, UGLD is up +2.26% thus far.

MCP Trade Idea Reiteration

The first recent trade idea long MCP from 3/25 is here. Yesterday's update is here.

There was a possible intraday head fake move that I had alerts set for, but otherwise I had already filled out MCP to max position size.

I just looked it over and while there are some things in the market that are looking pretty ugly, I still like MCP long a lot and wanted to reiterate that as I look at today's charts.

Remember it's still in a decent place as the head fake move below the triangle gave us a nice little discount and lower risk. I don't like chasing, but we are still below the apex of the triangle.


On the 28th I posted TSLA Update & Possible Trade Set-Up, we were looking for a gap fill from the 28th which happened the next day on the 31st as a long / Call entry.

Since then there has been some chop, but a decent little trend to the upside.

If I were still in the position, I'd start considering taking some profits off the table, especially in option positions, long equity may have a bit more room.

Here's what I mean... and this is likely to end up as a nice short entry soon as well due to the probabilities (longer charts), but we aren't there yet..

 This was the last update and the gap fill we were looking for as a position entry which came the next day on the 31st.

This is a broad "W", this is why I like this still as a long equity position, not sure I'd chase it here, but as a call position, I might tighten up standards, especially at resistance like this.

This is that same "W" on a daily chart...

 Overall the 4 hour chart tells me the probabilities are that this sets up as a nice longer term short position, looking at the daily chart there is a negative divegrence, but it is far from the worst looking asset, still it should move well on a good short entry.

This 15 min chart's leading positive divegrence (notice how much it leads on the 31st and right after) is the reason I like this as an equity long still, as far as calls right now, in my view they are to be managed, not entered at this stage unless an opportunity comes up.

Intraday 1 min looks to be in line, but...

The 1 min trend on a breakout shows there';s less 3C backing now at the breakout than there was at the last resistance high.

 The 2 min chart shows a mini "W" on the 31st, this is what I mean by, "Our concepts are fractal and work in all timeframes and all assets". Note the intraday distribution taking place as the breakout takes place, this is why I'd be watching calls very carefully, I want to be out before momentum dies and you can always re-enter them on a pullback. The equity long however doesn't have the same issues and that 15 min chart still looks good for TSLA.

Here's the 60 min chart's "W" on a daily chart, you can see the gap fill and then some, likely hitting orders/stops below the gap.



This is the 5 min chart.

As I said above, I think this is more about management of current positions right now, hopefully there's a long position that opens up with better prices and lower risk to play that 125 min chart and make sure it holds.

Eventually that should lead to a nice short set up.

Good luck 

FXP Update

FXP is a long in the trading portfolio, I have my mom in the asset as well for full disclosure.

FXP is UltraShort (2x) FTSE/Xinhua China 25 ETF.

I've been looking for a way to play China short including Aluminum as companies that received shadow banking loans using their mining materials like copper and iron ore as collateral, the banks have been flush with cash, but not loaning and in fact, calling the cash which caused many of these mining companies ( a large industry in China) to sell their tangible assets (commodities) to meet the cash calls, thus the fall in copper, iron ore and I suspect Aluminum will be next.

FXP was my first choice, but it had not pulled back through 2014 as bad news keeps coming out of China, from bubbles to hot money flows, inflation, and most recently credit defaults.

Typically local governments or banks bailed out any companies that couldn't meet their coupon payments, just yesterday a high yield materials company failed to meet a 10% High Yield coupon payment, it seems today they were bailed out, which means it's likely that there is an impression, right or wrong...sentiment is all that matters, that China may start bailing some of these companies out, however I doubt it (I think this is an isolated incident). In my opinion the Chinese government is trying to establish free market principles so the days of investing hot money flows in High Yield Chinese bonds that have been backstopped by the government so they were virtually risk free up until recently, are now over causing bond traders to re-value all investments and discount real risk of failure or defaults.

Overnight the Chinese money market rate increased for a 7th day in a row as the PBoC drained liquidity out of the system at the regularly scheduled Tuesday/Thursday market operations.

Finally FXP pulled back as a Channel Buster, I'll put up a link explaining Channel Busters, but typically the initial break from the channel (up or down, depending on the trend) is faded, it's like a large head fake move, making the Channel Buster an ideal entry.

Here are the charts for FXP, I really like this one, I'd prefer to phase in to the position if possible, I believe it can be considered a core or trend position.

 Here's the 2014 Trend Channel and the Channel Buster below, these use to pullback to the former support trendline (now resistance) and fail, they'd make great shorts there and then head back down.

However since the change in Technical Analysis with the advent of the Internet all of these century long concepts are used AGAINST technical traders and this kind of move more often than not will move not only back in the channel, but often shoot through the top of the channel and/or continue the trend higher.

 Here's the reversal process, there's a nice rounding as well as a capitulation event and 3C confirmation.

The X-Over system is just starting to signal a long position.

Here's the 60 min chart, the distribution for the break of the channel is VERY obvious, however, so is the 60 min accumulation/leading positive divegrence.

As far as timing, there are some short term charts I'd like to see look a bit better and this is why I said I'd prefer to phase in to the position.

There are some shorter term charts that look outstanding , at this point in my view they are all just for timing, I think the long position and objective data supporting it have been established.

This looks like an ascending (bullish ) triangle, but it should fall in place amid an uptrend, so it likely is not, but technical traders usually don't care about the rules to verifying a pattern, they just see it and assume, so there may still be a head fake move to run stops below the $66.50 level especially because this morning did make a "breakout" of the triangle  around the $67 level (note the whole number) which some retail traders may have entered the position on breakout confirmation. Their stops would likely be just below the triangle's apex and lower trendline in the $66.50 area, I'd set an alert for a move below that area as a potential area to add or establish a new position, especially if you are phasing in to the position.