Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Trend 1

This is what we expected and I wish I had bookmarked some of the many posts in which I tried to be clear that what is expected in trend #1 as far as being the shorter of the trends, did not apply to the intensity and another post talking about how it's likely we can't even imagine how strong the move will be-ALL TIME NEW HIGH FOR THE R2K!!! Something like 70 points in ES! This wasn't because of the signals, although they were helpful as our call positions up 200-300% prove, it was more based on market behavior. You've heard me say it many times,

"The market doesn't do anything like this without a reason" and today the shorts were shaken out hard, plenty of longs are in position for a trap, the snowball effect of a head fake move, and on and on. However the point being, thee move are always more extreme than you'd think is reasonable because they need to accomplish something like squeezing the shorts out and that can only be done by touching a nerve that hits emotional extremes-thus these moves and the reason we need to chose the right tool for the job.

Another record was set today, the biggest 2-day percentage drop for the VIX ever. It was just last week (before the end of the year, before T+3 settlement and before the Fiscal Cliff vote) that we were talking about the extreme momentum in the VIX as it walked the upper Bollinger Band.

 The daily VIX was walking the upper 20/20 Bollinger Band which is a rare sign of extreme momentum as institutional traders with a lot of long exposure found themselves in an very illiquid market with no way to reduce that exposure without driving their prices way down, so they hedged and VIX shot up.

My guess is 2 things have happened with VIX, 1) Institutional traders have removed hedges that were in place for the Fiscal Cliff and any potential end of year decimation (they are one in the same really) and 2) Hedges that remain in place were rolled out to March or so when the Debt Ceiling becomes the next huge Congressional problem, but I'm guessing more just took off their hedges.

As for the red arrow, that's the modified "Clear Method" I use, that's not a yellow arrow noise candle Monday, that's a reversal candle- from one extreme to the other.

If you really want to go back to one of the seminal moments, it was the downdraft on Friday where a lot of hints were given away- "Early Closing Take" . This is when it was apparent something was going on, the market had plunged, but nearly every other risk asset refused to budge, that means to me (as I believe there are charts in the post showing it too) that the "blood in the streets" Friday was an accumulation period in stocks-like I said, some of the most profitable traders out there are Congressional Staffers, ever wonder why?

As for the market today, there weren't a lot of great signal intraday, but as I pointed out, there weren't likely going to be many until the SPY and DIA joined the QQQ and R2K in breaking resistance-that's where traders step in to act on confirmation, that's where smart money has demand they can make moves in to and that occurred pretty late today, but as I said today,

" I will note that a move above resistance in the SPY and DIA in my view is almost a certainty, there are too many reasons for them not to take out that area "

As for the averages, remember I don't expect to see a lot of short term movement until the target area in reached. If you know (as we were fairly certain as shown above) that the market is going to make a move higher and above a particular level, are you going to start selling early before that happens? Most of us would say no, some larger funds might have to just because their positions are so large and then they average it all out.

Before we get to the averages, lets finish with volatility in the form of VXX and UVXY (The VIX Short Term Futures and the Ultra version of the same respectively).

The 60 min UVXY (leveraged version) has a huge leading positive divergence, look at the area though where the divergence was the largest, it's when buying hedge put protection was the cheapest. Still the point being is this is the bigger picture, the highest probability chart and it's positive UVXY, meaning UVXY should see some very impressive upside in the not too distant future and that means the market goes the other way.

 VXX (non-leveraged version) 15 min chart shows a leading positive divergence that sent VXX up from $28 to $36.50, then a smaller negative divergence and as of now with today's plunge we have a large leading positive divergence and we are in the same area the accumulation was built up last time (not that I expect an exact repeat).

VXX 4 hour chart doesn't even need any notations, it was confirming the move down in VXX to the left as 3C made lower lows with price and then a huge change in character as VXX kept moving lower and 3C is leading at a new positive high for the chart, again, this is the longer term, bigger picture, but this could very well be part of the signals that fit with trend #2. Remember there's signs of a third trend and trend #2 should be bigger and more intense than trend #1 (what we are seeing now) and each fit and flow in to each other so the point being, this crazy upside could see even crazier downside in trend 2.

As for the averages, like I said, I don't expect to see a lot of movement as the move in the SPX and Dow were late in the day, but futures overnight may give us information and tomorrow should give us penty of good, actionable information.

 DIA 5 min-this is about where serious institutional signals start, the longer the chart, the more serious the signal, below 5 mins is mostly intraday stuff, but we can get good information from the trends if you have enough history. Point here is the DIa positive divergence getting ready for the last 2 day move, note accumulation was at the very lows, it is not on a breakout as many traders believe as they see volume rise. We see an intraday positive divergence this afternoon that leads to the afternoon leading positive divergence and then the move above resistance.

 The longer 15 min DIA trend from when the current cycle started at the 11/16 lows with accumulation about 2 weeks before hand, then distribution in to the top and a leading negative divergence (this is what is leading to trend #2) and a divergence from mid December to late December fueling this move of the last 2 days. This is what people fail to grasp, accumulation started somewhere around the $132.50 level, it picks up and gets stronger at lower levels and it was accumulated down to about $128.50, a lot more is accumulated at lower levels so you take all of that, average it with an exponential emphasis on the lower prices/more recent data and say it averages to be $130, today we're at $133.77, multiple the $3.77 by tens of millions of shares. This is why I say, "Wherever we first see a divergence start, we almost always see price move well beyond that level.". Still, the larger picture in the DIA is a large leading negative divergence in place now, it's something I warned would happen, price would rise, 3C longer charts wouldn't and the divergence would be even bigger making the market that much more dangerous to the downside.

 The IWM is interesting as it made a new high today-all time new high! The 10 min chart is in an overall leading negative divergence since the accumulation in to the start of the cycle at the 11/16 lows. This seems to be inconsistent, "How can you have a new high with signs of heavy distribution?" This is why so many people fail to grasp the market, institutional money can't sell large IWM longs or go short in a meaningful way without buyers/demand. What creates buyers and demand, a breakout to a new high, it's one of the simplest principles in Technical Analysis and it gets used against technical traders in so many ways I can't count them.

 10 min IWM (same chart), but zoomed in closer shows the accumulation in to the 11/16 low (kind of the same principle as just explained except on the downside when they are buying and covering shorts). Not only do we have a negative divergence, we have what looks to be an intraday negative divergence in the IWM today as 3C moves lower, suggesting the demand brought on by a breakout new high was used to sell in to by smart money.

When you think about all of this you have to remember the difference between you and them, you can sell a position with 1 order and be done without effecting price, their positions are so large they need massive supply and demand to move their positions, thus some of the crazy extremes and why I say, "Wall Street doesn't do anything without a reason". In this case an new high in the IWM gives them the ability to sell at the best prices in to plenty of demand.

 QQQ 1 min with positive divergences last week, remember Friday how much I liked the underlying trade in the Q's and had to go with that Call position?

 The 15 min bigger picture, which I believe leads to trend 2 shows the large accumulation weeks before the 11/16 lows that started this cycle, distribution of those shares at higher prices and at least 2 head fake moves, one snapped price lower on a gap down (12/21-12/31) and this second is even bigger with an even deeper negative divergence.

 SPY 1 min was behind the QQQ/IWM so it makes sense it saw more underlying positive divergences today, that's in effect support to push the SPY higher.

 The 5 min chart which is about where that positive divergence from the support stops.

And the 15 min with a current nasty leading negative divergence as the SPY is at a new cycle high.

Leading Indicators...

For an earlier look at Leading Indicators today (although it was a bit dull), you can click here.

 Commodities as a risk on asset (they should follow the equity market) was diverging negatively with the SPX (green), this was due to Euro weakness which we will discuss in a little more depth.

 Commodities again on a 1 min chart, but now the green comparison symbol is the Euro, you can see how commodities tracked Euro weakness earlier in the day and then were caught between Euro weakness and market strength.

 This is the Euro (5 min chart) which showed much better relative performance as the market dipped from around the 18th to the 31st, the Euro barely moved and certainly didn't track lower. In normal circumstances (even though the EUR/USD is not one of my favorite currency pairs for leading indications, it is good for confirmation) I'd say there was market manipulation to depress prices to accumulate for an event like we have seen the last 2 trading days, but I think there's another reason and it's probably not one or the other, but a mix of both.

As the year draws to a close, European banks which are severely under-capitalized, need to make their balance sheets look good for the Q4 2012 and full year report, to do this they need to minimize risk and raise capital ratios; the easiest way to do this is to sell assets, but when selling $USD denominated assets (and just about every major commodity trades in $USD's and our stock markets are larger, we have more funds to invest in as well as Markit's PrimeX) they need to first sell the $USD denominated asset and then they need to sell the $USD and buy Euros and then bring them back to Europe (repatriation). When this happens as it did in Fall of 2011, it drives the Euro higher and typically the dollar lower as a basic function of supply and demand (they have a large supply of $USDs and need a large supply of Euros) that supports the Euro. I think that was going on as well as some market manipulation in stocks as we saw Friday and as is linked above, stocks fell, but every other asset class remained stable-clear manipulation and the reason I started my Weekly Wrap with this sentence...

"Well I'd much rather have the NASDAQ call position than a NASDAQ put position going in to Monday."

The results...
The red arrow is Friday for the NASDAQ 100, white is Monday and green is today-that wasn't a lucky guess, that was based on objective analysis.

 As for the Euro intraday today, it collapsed vs the SPX, this is NOT a normal correlation, this should be pressuring the market. I don't know if this is because of year end, because carry trades are being taken off, perhaps a leading indication from FX traders, or maybe all of the above, but it is NOT market supportive.

 Even the $AUD, which is one of my favorite currencies as a leading indicator, showed some relative weakness vs the SPX, not enough to raise flags, but perhaps the carry trade is being unwound or it could just be coincidence.

 FCT for whatever reason is a decent leading indicator and even intraday (although it really shines on larger divergences) it was pointing to a move higher in the SPX.

 Yields are what I call " A magnet for the market", today they were largely in sync, they were a bit flat and closed before we could see how they'd react on the late day ramp.

We look at Credit because as the saying goes, "Credit leads, stocks follow" or some say "Stocks confirm", but in my experience a good divergence between credit and the market will almost always break toward credit.

We track High Yield Credit as it is a risk asset like the SPX rather than Investment Grade which is more of a flight to safety like Treasuries.

 HY Corporate Credit actually was in an intraday positive divergence suggesting the SPX see an afternoon rally.

 Junk Credit also led the SPX and hinted at a move higher, however in to the SPX move higher in the afternoon, Junk Credit didn't make a higher high. This is extremely myopic, but divergences always start small.

High Yield Credit was the start, it held up as the SPX dropped and pushed to a new intraday high.

As for the SKEW Index which was getting a little scary recently, it is still elevated, but backed off the recent highs.

 At the end of December it wan't just SKEW moving out of the 115 zone and to 128, it was more the rate of change which was pretty dramatic compared to the past, you can see that below.

The CBOE's SKEW Index tries to put a probability on an improbable event using options data, in essence a high reading in the 140's is the danger zone and what it is trying to predict is the probability of a Black Swan event or a market crash.

As for futures, there's not much going on tonight, ES is dipping a bit in about a 5 point range. There's no really serious signals yet, but we have seen these turn around in half a day on important timeframes so they need to be watched carefully. I'm hoping futures hold up overnight to  so I can close some Call positions that are nicely in the green, assuming there isn't information in the underlying trade suggesting another big pop higher in which case I'd like to hold them.

ES & NQ (S&P and NASDAQ e-mini Futures).

 ES 1 min generally is in line with price today, in overnight trade we see a slight leading negative divergence starting, it may or may not hold up, but price is dipping with the divergence at this point.

ES 5 min chart for the most part is fine right now, no major or even minor concerns, this can change fast, but it's what I'd call "in line" or price/3C confirmation.

 The ES 15 min chart shows a large area of accumulation and as we hit highs today we do have a relative negative divergence, this is still small (just compare to the positive divergence in white), but it needs to be watched obviously.

 NQ 1 min is a bit more negative looking in overnight trade in a deeper leading negative divergence, this has hit a new local low so this one is more serious.

The NQ 5 min chart shows accumulation to the left (again note the flat area in price where we see accumulation and distribution while most traders are caught of guard as they see the market as "Dull".
This relative negative divergence is decent size, it's not at an impending reversal point or anything like that, but it definitely needs to be watched and I'm curious what it will look like by pre-market tomorrow.

The NQ 15 min chart also has a large pleading positive divergence at a flat area in price followed by an explosion in price to the upside and now the first signs of a negative divergence, still very small, but that's how they all start (and obviously some disappear).

That will about do it for now, I'll update any changes I see, but stay alert, stay nimble. Like I said many times today, we weren't in an area in which we'd expect to see too many signals as the SPY/DIA had not made that new breakout high, but the average that did, the NASDAQ, has some clear negative divergences in the futures so we may see a lot more tomorrow or we may have confirmation for some more upside, this is why we bought the calls to hedge and make $$$.

Since 10:30 a.m.

After getting the initial feel for the market and whether it was stable or tipsy, this was the first real analysis of importance as this is a major behavioral issue for the market, it's a timing issue and it's a 3C issue.

At 10:30 a.m. today I posted, "Look for a Head-Fake Move"

"The QQQ already saw one, note the difference in volume between the Q's and the DIA and SPY, the Q's are higher as they moved above resistance (likely head fake move) and that drew in the buyers, if the SPY which is close and the DIA (also close) can put together the same moves, I'd really like to be taking profits up there, but that can also set us up for a fast moving failed move quick...A head fake move in all 3 would be ideal for a reversal."

As to why we kept getting minor 3C divergences in the least influential intraday timeframe, later in the day I suspected I knew why. In this post, Market Update I had a few ideas as to what was going on with the flat range all day (not even the typical a.m. retrace) and these very minor 3C intraday adjustments...

"There's still a lot of strangeness intraday in just about all of the averages, it looks to me like the averages are being held right in place through a series of 1 min positive and negative divergences, these are intraday and the least influential, but they often act (when positive) as consolidation areas rather than a move up."

And Here it is...

 I will note that a move above resistance in the SPY and DIA in my view is almost a certainty, there are too many reasons for them not to take out that area and perhaps that is partially what this range today is about, getting those orders piled up and in place.

Sure enough as we move to closing trade....

 On these daily charts you can see the DIA finally makes its move above the resistance level that was the subject of most of our analysis today as this is an important event.

And the SPY, which could not make it more than 1 penny above resistance earlier, Finally joined the QQQ and IWM below in making a move above resistance.

 The IWM gaps up and takes out resistance and a new closing high.

The Q's gapped above resistance first thing.

Almost every update today talked about the ned for this to happen.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking for this move and I recall even writing, 'It will likely be stronger than we can anticipate as the market moves like a pendulum'

The importance of taking out these levels can be summarized, but not really understood without reading the first 2 parts of the 3 part series," Understanding the Head Fake Move"

Part 1: How Technical Analysis Went from an Asset to a Trap

Part 2: Motivation

For newer members, we have been expecting and preparing for a very strong move to the upside, but at the same time we have strong evidence for a second and even third trend. We needed the first trend to play-out, we are in the middle of that now (not literally the middle), the move is much stronger than I think most would have anticipated 2 weeks ago. This also is the shorter of the 2 trends which hints at the second trend being a monster downtrend and we have some positions in place for that which were hedged with call options for this move, those are massively in the green (some over 200% since Friday).

So now we are in the right area, this doesn't mean we can't move higher, but I do have a feeling that when the reversal comes as we expect, it will be fast and surprise a lot of people, I lean toward an intraday reversal rather than a gap down reversal. I also think that the catalyst (at least according to the news because this set up was obvious weeks ago) is fully priced in to the market.

Now it's just a matter of following our signals as the market gives them to us; managing the current long trades (call options in the SPY and QQQ) and deciding on whether we want to add to short positions, perhaps start some new ones if the opportunities for a high probability/low risk trade are there.

I'll be updating again later after I go through a number of charts. 

So now we are above the area we need to be above to get good signals

HLF Update-Possible Trade

Remember the short squeeze idea in HLF and a lot of you were making money, especially once we saw the pattern, BUT this was a large short by smart money and they came right out and admitted it which they would only do if it helped them.

I said multiple times last week, the unwinding of the short position is being handled expertly, there's no squeeze, no momentum allowed to build, you either take early profits, lose a chunk of them or have open risk for no good reason.

Well they were up to something when they told everyone how big their short was, I speculated they may go right back after HLF as they think these multi-level marketing companies are in for trouble.

It looks like they may have been doing exactly that, lifting price a bit and re-establishing or adding to a short position.

Take a look at the charts...

 In one update we identified the short positions as having been taken long before the December plunge.

 It was a bit tricky and as I suspected, as soon as a pattern became evident, it would stop working, look at the rest of the market today and HLF's relative performance, not good.

 1 min chart leading negative.

 I believe this 2 min chart shows EXACTLY where they covered, they didn't let on about the short position until after this, or at least not how big it was. So they could have not only covered, but picked up some long exposure to sell to those who were jumping in on what they thought would be a huge short squeeze (built in demand-whicjh also allows them to sell short again in to higher prices and demand).

Today we have a small intraday positive divergence so I'm hoping we get a pop above today's highs, that would make for a potentially interesting short entry.

 The 5 min chart also shows that initial leading positive divergence, yes I believe they covered right there at the lows and made people think they were still heavily short days after. Look at the leading negative divergence today, the 5 min chart is where the underlying trade starts to get serious.

And the 15 min went from confirmation to a leading negative divergence even with the downside pressure. We don't want to chase this, but we do want to be on the lookout for higher prices, even if only for an hour and double check our divergences and we may very well have an interesting short play if the shares are available.


I still think we have more on the upside, that' why I'm still dragging my feet on closing the Call positions other than taking some profits earlier today on volatility.

When I look at the SPY, Treasuries, volatility, they all seem to be saying the same thing, "Not yet" and remember the first trend which was a sharp move up and "shorter'-much shorter" relative to trend 2 and 3, but that still doesn't tell us how short, it has been 2 days thus far and that's really not that much time honestly.

 In the last post I said the underlying trade in each average is different, QQQ was strong last week and that played out today in price strength relative to the other averages, now the SPY which didn't make the break above resistance is showing better relative strength in 3C in to the afternoon, it needs something the Q's already have or have done.

 3 min, even though the bigger picture is no confirmation and thus a large leading negative divergence, intraday we see 3C moving up (white box).

 Since the 11/16 cycle started, the 10 min chart which is more representative of trend 2 is in a large leading negative divergence, I even commented on how much larger the divergence would be if price popped as we expected from trend 1 and here it is, even bigger and on a much more important timeframe.

TLT-Treasuries-The Flight to Safety Trade
 Here on the 2 min we see money moving out of the safe haven and in to risk assets with this nasty negative divergence, they had some timing huh? There's a small positive today, but this is not the flood of money flowing back in to safety and out of risk assets and that's what we have been seeing in the averages all day so it confirms.

 5 min, again an intraday head fake move in to heavy distribution as money went to risk assets, again today some positive divergences, but nothing at all like a mass migration back to safety, this tells me the risk on trade or Trend 1 as we have been calling it and expecting, is still alive.

This 15 min chart is representative of trend 2, there are large leading positive divergences including today, so when viewed in this light, Trend 2 looks as if it will play out next (market to the downside), but it seems we are not done with trend 1 and I predicted this first thing this morning based on simple market behavior, there's too much money to be made, it's a much stronger set up to just hit those orders above resistance in the SPY/DIA.

Market Update

There's still a lot of strangeness intraday in just about all of the averages, it looks to me like the averages are being held right in place through a series of 1 min positive and negative divergences, these are intraday and the least influential, but they often act (when positive) as consolidation areas rather than a move up. Why they'd be keeping prices flat in this area is beyond me.

I do not feel comfortable leaving the SPY/QQQ calls (they are at 1/2 size as the other half was closed earlier) at their current size and would like to see some intraday upside to close at least another half.

Each average is a bit different right now, this makes some sense because each were showing different levels of relative performance in underlying trade before the move up, the most obvious example is the QQQ on Friday showing strong  underlying trade and the reason I went for a QQQ Call position Friday, even in to that very uncertain weekend. So that's an example of underlying trade acting differently before the move up so I expect the same now.

However it is still kind of strange, I'll use the QQQ as an example. I will note that a move above resistance in the SPY and DIA in my view is almost a certainty, there are too many reasons for them not to take out that area and perhaps that is partially what this range today is about, getting those orders piled up and in place.

 QQQ 1 min 3C chart intraday with a number of small positive and negative divergences, it almost looks like slight corrections here and there to keep a flat range, the only reason I can think of to keep a flat range instead of selling in to strength, is to get retail to place their orders above the intraday high, then they could sell in to strength and also make all the money that comes along with that breakout (the bid/ask spread, the volume rebates, etc).

 The 2 min chart for all purposes is telling us almost nothing except that the 1 min divergences aren;t that strong as they didn't migrate to the 2 min chart, again suggesting minor corrections to keep price in a range.

What I did see that I'll have to investigate more is this negative divergence on a 15 min chart. It would be one thing if this was negative by way of non-confirmation, but it has actually moved down during the day, this would suggest larger positions are being distributed, but still in a piece-meal way.

I'll have to look closer in to that among the averages, futures, bellwethers and industry groups.

Also short term I'm not seeing the flight to safety trade in Treasuries see a lot of action, I may post Treasuries on their own.

More as I uncover it.