Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Intraday Forecast

I'm seeing changes in character in the market and changes in character lead to changes in trend. Right now they are subtle, but they always are.

I suspect we are going to pullback intraday, the index futures and a number of other assets are indicating that...
 intraday 1 min index futures like the Russell 2000 above look like they'll pullback intraday as I said earlier, the divergence is clearly there right now, this is where I suspect we'll start to see more overt signals.

The NYSE intraday TICK is about to break it's intraday channel to the downside as well.

I've been finding a lot of changes in the leveraged ETFs as usual, they tend to have earlier signals. This is UPRO, 3x long SPX and the 1 min chart has been in line this morning, but is going negative intraday like the index futures and a number of other assets.

It's the longer intraday charts that are getting interesting like UPRO's 2 min leading positive...

And 3 min leading positive.

The 10 min leading positive is a big change and a bridge between some of the longer 15-60 min charts.

So I'll be looking for the way 3C acts on a pullback, I suspect that's where we'll see rapidly increased activity.

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