Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Keep an eye on SMH, this could take the market down with it.


john9o9 said...

seems like once they get the short squeeze going they step aside and let it run on its own!

john9o9 said...

Did someone say something about high level consolidation? Going into sector rotation now?

john9o9 said...

turn around today on very bad news just doesn't feel real bearish to me but what do i know!

Mr Pink said...

Well, we've had a 130 point turnaround on the DOW. from -80 to +50. on some really bad figures.

Looks like another 3C says down, but market does up day.

Gold shot up through $1300 also.

And the dollar is looking as weak as a kitten again.

Free money from the FED, how can you fight free freshly printed money? This isn't a market, there is no price discovery at all now, the FED just decides at what price it was the DOW/SPY and takes it there. The FED doesn't care if it loses money by buying overpriced stocks, because they can just print some more.

john9o9 said...

What's the expected "lag time" on the 3c indicator?

Mr Pink said...


'lag time'? Well, that's the problem, 3C has been predicting a down move in the markets since the start of September and we're still at highs.

As well as a down move in gold, which is at all time highs today.
As well as a bounce in the $dollar, which gets weaker every day.

This market is nothing but FED free money intervention.

Another load of POMO thursday too.

We need 3C to come good.

john9o9 said...

Fed free money and intervention is nothing new!

Mr Pink said...


No it's not. But it looks like we are approaching an end game here and goodness knows what the FED will do as the death throws approach. Why stop printing now when they've done so much to keep the markets up?

john9o9 said...

Don't know about the "end game". The doom and gloomers keep calling for that but.....

john9o9 said...

Always difficult to keep open mind when dealing with the markets, trading, etc.
So easy to get one sided!

john9o9 said...

Especially if I take a directional position!!!!!

Brandt said...

lag time all has to do with how big of a position is being distributed, volume the the aggressiveness of buyers. A 1 minute divergence usually moves that day.