Friday, September 3, 2010


Positive divergence for the run after 11-may still have some in the tank

This is a 5 min -the above represents market makers,this represents a blend of market makers and institutional money. There's clear distribution again today, first into the gap up and as you can see by the second chart, it's moving into a leading negative divergence.

Has anyone found the current U6 number released with the report today, I've been answering emails and haven't had time to look. I'd appreciate the link, especially if it shows last month's number.


Mr Pink said...

I know U6 went up to 16.7% from the previous figure of 16.5%.

Brandt said...

yeah, I posted the U^ data from the dept of labor. They sure don't talk about that one much do they?

This is why employment reports really need to be looked at beyond the headline number which is not a very broad measure and when you consider what the meaning of measuring unemployment/under-employment is for the economy, U6 is clearly a better gauge, it would just panic people to know that nearly 1 in 5 people over the age of 16 are not making the money they need to. That's important information.