Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2nd Divergence

Usually POMO days start to sell -off around 11 a.m. So we'll see in minutes what's happening. Gold saw the bulk of the advance.


Alesund said...

All this is doing is ensuring that no shorts are left to stop the plunge once it starts. This is not only the Fed's doing, but the MMs as well.

Quality Stocks said...

I am very bearish now.

Alesund said...

Indeed. This is not bullish market behavior. This is going to lead to a crash.

Anonymous said...

Brandt how's 3C on SLV shaping up?

JC said...

You have got to be Fn kidding me. .08 from $116 on the SPY!!! This is getting riduculous to say the least. Anyone still doubting the amount of influence the FED is having? The transports are up 3% today. They almost never gap up like this and run this hard without some sort of outside manipulation. I think we need to see a hard reverse starting today, at least for my own sanity!!! Not sure my slow stochastic can peg anyhigher

Unknown said...

Am I missing something or declining issues are outpasing advancing ones?

john9o9 said...

so much for "not worrying about the pos divergence" yest pm???

Unknown said...

Jack I've already said goodbye to my own sanity long time ago...

Quality Stocks said...

I consider this to be a very tired move which could continue but at some point will reverse to trade much lower.

Quality Stocks said...

Again I am very bearish.....more bearish than the april top

JC said...

This morning AAPL broke to the upside of it's 5 day falling wedge. This could be adding alot of strength to the market as I'm sure that this is happening with alot of stocks that people follow. Let's hope that this is a false move to suck in the longs and trap them, because we all know that right now we feel like a bunch of trapped bears.

Alesund said...

There are few shorts left in this market. That is a dangerous situation by itself.

john9o9 said...

a lot of strength for a "very tired move"

dvgweb said...

I'm sorry for asking what is probably a stupid question, but why is it dangerous to have few shorts in the market?

Quality Stocks said...

Few shorts means that there is no one to cover positions as the market falls thus providing no bid. Also the markets like to move in the direction that will benefit the least amount of people. So if there are few shorts going lower does not benefit a lot of people.

John... the momenten indicators are showing the tired nature of the move. Look at the divergences on them and you will see.

Alesund said...

Quality Stocks knows what he is talking about.

john9o9 said...

I know but divergences don't make for a down signal they can last a long time especially when we jsut get high level consolidation like i mentioned lasgt week. We sure seem to go up alot easier than down. All of this reeks of bullishness. It is hard to maintain objectivity once you have set your mind up no?

Alesund said...

I understand everyone's frustration, but this market action is bearish and is used to set up the market for a big move to the downside.

Quality Stocks: I was bearish in April as well but am also more bearish at this time. This is a more dangerous time for the markets imho than April was.

Brandt said...

Mislav, on a 1 minute chart, advancers have gone straight down, decliners are about to take over.

john9o9 said...

if this is bearish i sure don't wanna be short and see bullish!!!!