Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The Dollar is showing a little life, GLD has a leading negative divergence that started at 11 a.m. and has moved consistently lower. Just two to keep an eye on.


JC said...

Well there your go $116 and as Mr. Pink said long ago, they might as well go for $117. Either we are all the biggest suckers or they are setting up one massive short position. I'm betting the later as I have bet a significant years wage on that assumption.

JC said...

Wanna bet how far $5 billion goes levered up in this market?

Fed buys $5.19 billion in Treasurys 10/05 10:06 AM

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Reserve Bank of New York purchased $5.19 billion in Treasury bonds on Tuesday, part of officials' pledge to reinvest cash from maturing mortgage-backed securities and housing agency debt back into the bond market to support the economic recovery. Dealers offered to sell the Fed $23.621 billion in debt maturing from 2016 to 2020. Analysts expected the Fed to buy about $5 billion during this operation. After the results, the broader bond market remained up slightly, pushing yields down. Yields on 10-year notes fell 1 basis point to 2.47%.

Mr Pink said...

I know Jack,

Come on, come on. At which point do we just say 3C has called this badly wrong on almost every major call and we are the sheep not the wolves? Gold, silver, equities, the dollar. 3C has been a perfect contrarian indicator.

Every single 'highest probability' (i.e. reversing at $130 on the SPY, not being able to go through $150 on the SPY) has been blown away!

3C says down, market goes up.

Your thoughts Brandt? What have you advised your 'high roller' on todays move may i ask?