Friday, November 26, 2010

Gap Update

 DIA 1 min
 QQQQ 1min
SPY 1 min

This looks like the typical early a.m. gap fill which is why I don't really place too much importance on opening trade before 10:30-11:00 a.m.

Retail sellers seeing news and futures place orders, usually they go to work after that (today may be an exception) so the market makers fade the orders. taking prices higher and then short them bringing them back down. that appears to be the case right now.

Next update will be on GLD /SLV


meeeee said...

BRANDT. Is the ***(DAILY SPY)*** is still ACCUM/DIST still NEGATIVE?

Brandt said...

although it's up a bit this morning, which is strange, it is still deep into the negative divergence and what it will look like at the close, I don't know, it may head back down.