Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just How Influential is PIMCO

 Irish Bonds plunged-there's no bid for them as all know they WON'T be able to pay their debt themselves, yet the Euro moves higher... My guess is Bill Gross has a lot more weight then most of realize, yet again the question remains, why is PIMCO long MBS on margin if that is his belief. In the last several weeks we've seen fund managers pumping and pushing only to find out their funds, which were on the brink of massive outflows as they reported quarterly results, we're more or less saved by their pumping the market. Is Bill Gross setting up a position short the Euro? OR some other plan in which he wants to see the dollar higher?

I'm no economist so I can't comment on the range of trades that PIMCO could benefit from with a little well timed information right as the Fed starts their meeting. One thing I'm pretty sure this is not about is the election.

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