Monday, March 14, 2011

On a Personal Note

I enjoy surfing, when I was a bit younger and didn't have a family, I took some dumb risks like surfing just as soon as a Florida hurricane passed-of course we were the first in the water because we were the only ones who didn't evacuate the island. I nearly died doing that and scared the hell out of my family in the process, but the California surfers who wanted to ride the tidal wave they were expecting set a new standard for dumb.

For me, it's enough just to avoid the sharks (A friend of mine was bitten by a Caribbean Reef shark and lives with the consequences 12 years later), but dodging mini-vans, fishing trawlers, ducking overpasses (I actually had to duck a pier in my hurricane surf session) and weaving in and out of buildings is really just dumb.

Take a look at this video, one of the first videos of the tidal wave coming in. It gives you some idea of just why Japan may be selling US treasuries and why Europe is now in deep trouble as Japan's investment in the Euro-Zone is now a distant memory all of about 5 days.

Oh and here's EWP-a short I think may be worthwhile which I mentioned last night. Spain is the bull in the china shop should contagion become an issue. A few months ago it was a "I doubt it" from the pundits, but the EZ is in such trouble, like the US, I don't see anything that will stop Spain from becoming the next Ireland-they are after all the "S" in PIIGS. If Spain falls and an alternate bailout mechanism can't be established (you know the situation in Germany which is pivotal to such a feat), then as I've suggested, the EZ and Euro very well may not survive.

EWP in a massive top-the recent 3 day price action sets up a nice short.

The daily 3C view of the top-not pretty.

Here's the hourly view, EWP was headed down in the intermediate/long term

EWP did see some accumulation, BUT now things in Japan have changed drastically. There are things even smart money can't discount.

The 1 min chart seems to reflect the Japanese situation with a recent negative divergence or distribution.

Here's a Trend channel stop you might consider.

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