Thursday, August 25, 2011

Market Update 2

I just wanted to get that out quick, here's some charts.... So far this is going the way I expected earlier when I mentioned how 3C would likely react today.

 DIA 1 min is starting to show some strength, I believe this will continue and filter in to the longer term charts. Here we have a small leading positive divergence.

 The 5 min chart has an overall position that would be considered leading negative, but notice some strength filtering in to the 5 min chart incl. a positive leading divergence and a higher low for 3C as price made a lower low.

 The short term IWM or small caps seems to be looking better then the rest. Here's the 1 min chart with yesterday's warning and today's negative divergence off the open. Since then 3C has put in 2 positive divergences.

 The IWM 2 min chart shows the same on the open and 2 divergences, 1 a relative divergence and the second a leading divergence, so as I suspected, strength is starting on the fastest charts and filtering into the longer charts.

 This IWM 5 min chart is another good example with the same two positive divergences seen in the chart above.

 However, we still have a lot of work to do and probably some new lows with the negative divergence on the 15 min chart. We'll see if accumulation continues as price makes lower lows.

 QQQ 5 min-yesterday's warning I mentioned and a positive divergence on the 5 min.

 Even the 15 min which has a solid negative divergence is showing some sign of strength at the white arrow, refusing to make a lower 3C low.

 The SPY 1 min chart is looking pretty good here.

 The 5 min is inline, which is better then leading negative.

 The 10 min is showing hints of strength as 3C makes 2 higher highs with price making 2 lower lows.

Yet there's still work to be done until this 15 min chart starts going positive.

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