Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is what I really went to the Drudge Report for

Read this story from the FT about abuses being committed by Egypt's "transitional ruling authority"

Then if you have the time or inclination, go to the search box at the Wolf on Wall Street main site, it is in the upper top left corner.

Type in "Mubarak" or "Egypt" and read the analysis from back during the uprising. It basically said that Egypt has been ruled by the military since Nasser, they chose the president from their own inner circle and they were going to throw Mubarak out of power because he was going to side step them and set his son up to replace him, the uprising just gave them cover and ultimately, it WAS the military that removed him.

The promises of free elections in 6 months I said were a total farce, that the military would never give up power, which will precipitate another crisis in Egypt when citizens understand they were lied to, even though they hold the military in high esteem. In the FT article, you can see the military is already making moves to break that promise.

If you think the Arab Spring was an event that has passed, think again. As I pointed out, in Iraq and Afghanistan, years later, there's no credible government, and when these MENA regimes fall and are replaced by anarchy and unsavory types, the middle east and Africa will be changed forever and not in a positive way.

This WILL have an effect on oil and likely world markets.

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