Thursday, March 1, 2012

RISK Assets/ Credit vs the SPX

Make that 2 restarts and a complete shut down of two operating systems (Mac/Windows).

Commodities are outperforming the SPX, a bit strangely as well

Here are commodities in green vs the Euro, they usually track the Euro because of the $USD correlation, but it seems they have almost been running inverse today, I'll have to take a look at some major currency pairs and see what's going on in a bit.

 Yields again, intraday were leading and topped before the market.

 SPX- vs the Euro, as you can see the correlation is totally off today making the move in equities a little suspicious.

 High Yield Corporate credit is selling off pretty well today.

And financials also were leading the market, topping before the SPX. I'll be updating the market and financials then commodities.

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