Monday, June 4, 2012

Thinking about adding those AAPL July Calls

Last Wednesday (May 30th) I closed 1 of several smaller AAPL Calls, the strike was June (the rest are July). 3C was showing the probability of a pullback and there was a 131% profit in the June Calls, if I can help it with an expiration in the current month, I don't want to sit through a pullback, but rather close, take the profits and reposition a month further out.

AAPL is down about 4% from May 30th and I like how it is developing this a.m.

I'll probably watch for a few more minutes and check on Tech and make a decision, but I'm leaning toward a speculative addition to the July AAPL calls already in place, probably a $550-$555 strike.

I'll let you know before I do anything.

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