Friday, July 12, 2013


There's not a whole lot going on in futures that looks too interesting.

The AUD/JPY pair did slip pretty badly overnight, but looks to be about bottomed just in time for the open.

 AUD/JPY looks like it has hit a short term bottom from overnight, this has been the risk driver for quite some time as you saw last night.

I don't know how banks like JPM get away with calling $.33 EPS or $1.4bn in loan loss reserves as part of their earnings and come in either in line or a beat, bank earnings are ridiculous and it looks like ES thinks the same as it started slipping from some mild earlier morning gains right about the time JPM reported.

ES 1 min going in to pre-market.

As for the rest, I'm sure things will liven up in a minute.

Today is typically a pin day, even with weeklies, I know, but low volume markets.

Typically around 2:30-3 the market moves out of the pin as most option contracts will have expired worthless.

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