Tuesday, December 31, 2013

XLF Charts

There was some strange activity in VIX futures, as I showed earlier, the 5 min VIX futures BEVER went negative so I think yesterday/today was a pin, but suddenly today it's as if a large order moved right through several levels of the ask stack which is not surprising because despite the pinning of price, accumulation has still been evident.

Why buy VIX futures to protect gains with less than 2 hours left to the 2013 trading year?

In any case, there's more than just that, but I just didn't see reason to wait any longer on filling out FAZ (3x short Financials) as it was a 1/2 size position which was purposefully phased in to so the second half could be added if we got better prices which I suspected because of the shape of price and the lack of a "Chimney".

Take a look at the charts here though in XLF, it's one of those times that it's not a chart or a few charts that I just can't ignore, it's a cluster.

 Intraday 1min

2 min

10 min

15 min

30 min

How can I ignore that?

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