Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Quick EOD Market Impressions

It seems to me that there's nervousness in front of the minutes tomorrow, but as I'll show after the close, I say it "seems" that way for a particular reason, one which may be a little more deceptive than what things first appear to be.

I haven't changed any positions that were entered on Friday and this week. I'm not a fortune teller as far as what the minutes will say and more so, how the market will perceive them so I'm not going to take wild guesses and I'm not going to change positions that were entered for a reason without sufficient evidence that the reason no longer exists.

This isn't an easy or a decision come to lightly, but my thing has always been, "Make the best decision you can with the evidence you have at the time", otherwise you're just guessing.

I'm making the best decision I can with the objective evidence I have, even if I don't feel like it's great evidence today, there has been some very good signals the last couple of days and they were there for a reason.

I'm sticking it out as positioned.

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