Thursday, July 3, 2014

Interesting VIX Chart...

Make no mistake, today's positive NFP was not positive news, the F_E_D has a dual mandate, maximum employment and stable inflation, that's it. Employment has moved beyond their initial guidance for policy/rate hikes (6.5%), now 6.1%.

Today's VIX is one of a number of small pieces of the puzzle we try to put together to get a composite picture.

What's wrong with this picture? There's another chart coming of 10-year yields, the stock market (which today is simply about Dow 17k) took things one way, demand for protection and the bond market have a totally different take.

10- year rates to follow after the close.

 SPY red/ VIX green, these are suppose to move inversely, why won't VIX make a new low?

Beyond that, more importantly...

Why won't VIX futures make a new low?

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