Thursday, May 21, 2015

GLD Follow Up

Since deciding to close the GLD Puts because of improving GLD charts which at the time of closing my position was...

"The put position was around a +15% gain at the time I started to expect a $USDX corrective move down from it's current (larger) counter trend bounce (with the trend being the largest which is down as well).

I decided at the time to leave open the USO equity short and the GLD Put because both were meant to capture larger moves to the downside. I said at the time that I would consider closing them if it looked like there might be a move that took longer than a day or so (the USO/GLD bounce for new short entries(. Since USO has bounced. The GLD put lost the approx. +15% gain yesterday which I was expecting and prepared for, which it gained back today, but it still hasn't made the bounce. At this point several days have now past and I don't see any reason to give up that gain again and be at a disadvantage as Theta decay builds the longer this takes.

Again, if I'm wrong on the GLD bounce, no harm , no foul, we've booked a +15% gain which isn't anything I'd turn my nose up at. If I'm correct, than we have a new position at a better price and get to add to that gain again, with more appropriate pricing considering the theta decay."

Since then the charts have gone from pretty strong for a bounce, to very strong for a bounce.

First here's the P/L from the closing of the GLD 6/19 $117 Puts.

That's a +15% gain.

Since then, the charts have improved significantly short term...
 This is the intraday 1 min GLD chart. First of all, the first thing I would notice before even looking at 3C is the flat nature of price today,  this tends to be a tell-tale sign of accumulation or distribution depending on what the preceding trend was. As the preceding trend was down in to a lateral/flat range, the assumption would be we'd see 3C accumulation and the 1 min chart shows that as it leads to a new intraday high today.

The 2 min chart has good confirmation and is also just a few 3C ticks from a new leading positive high on the day.

The 5 min chart which is essentially the minimum timeframe I'd have to see divergent for a trade  beyond a quick intraday trade is also leading positive.

And even the near term action of the 10 min chart is showing a rapidly improving leading 10 min divergence.

The leading negative divergence which covers a lot more real-estate is still in place and I'd still expect a bounce in gold to set up a nice longer term GLD short/Put position.

However for now, we take what the market gives and it looks like it's giving a pop to the upside worth trading.

Gold futures confirm most of the timeframes above to a reasonable degree that is strong enough for me to consider this a speculative and short term position, but a high probability position.

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