Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sorry For the Late Update

I woke up this am with about 50 emails in my inbox, I just caught up and my fingers-all two of them, are burning! I need to catch up with updates and the market so if you have an email that is urgent, please mark it as so in the subject line so I can catch up with updates. I'm going to take a very close look at this am's activity, I've been watching between emails and have an opinion, but there's about 20 securities I need to look at before I step out on any limbs. Give me 15-20 minutes and I'll have an update up for you. Obviously you can see the market has taken bad news in stride, USO is trading in the green and the SPY is near unchanged-I think you might agree, that is not the sentiment you'd expect coming off of two bad news days in a row, which implies... well I'll get to that in the update.

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