I noted last night the GLD bounce seems to be over, even with the .50% gain today, it has laid out a beautiful downside reversal Harami pattern.
Is interest rates about to start going up?
Yes, I know - it does not make any sense - FED is about to cut
rates...but....real world interest rates are not always what FED wants it
to be.
5 years ago
Brandt, how did the divergences look headed into the end of the day? If retail is back and trying to frontrun the FED; I would guess we may have seen some of thes divergences weaken further.
DOW futures currently up 30 points. That's on top of todays 65 point move up.
DOW futures now up 37 points. SPX up to 1197, which will mean SPY would be around $119 if it were open...
... and every day, 3C says down.
DOW futures now up to 47 points. SPX up to 1198.5, which will mean SPY is over $120 if it were open...
... seriously Brandt, what are you peddling here with this 3C nonsense?
Indeed Jack, almost across the board in all 3 averages and almost every time frame they did worsen. The 10 minute, which would be an important timeframe for a one day move like this (as it is not too long to react and long enough to be taken serious) showed particular deterioration.
Thanks Brandt, may be we should look at 3C historically for big moves down and show the pack how long before the break in the market it shows these moves. I would guess on "major" down events, it is showing this distribution for many weeks while the market churns along a top which in itself can last weeks. Wouldn't now be a prime example of this. Probably one last gasp up, like a dying man is coming to throw more traders under the bus.
I'm not sure where I read it or if I saw a interview, but basically it implied the Big Ben will have to reign in his policies if the Republicans get elected by wide margins in this election. This is because Ron Paul will be the head a the subcommittee that has some oversight of the FED. He has been very critical of FED policy, actions and the free reign they enjoy. He will be looking to publically go after the FED in very open fashion and reign in what ever power he can. I think the FED might be handcuffed soon or at least feel they are and realize they won't be able to get away with as much. This might be the reason for the odd comments that are coming out of the FED for the last couple of weeks as well.
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