Friday, January 7, 2011

More Cats and Dogs-BQI

We have been seeing a killing in these trades, they aren't easy to find and for many people they aren't easy to take. the hardest part is knowing when to get out.

On January 4th alone, look at what happened with a cluster of 4 trades that triggered and one of them, I want you to watch in particular today as it is moving-BQI.

PSID posted a 1 day 19% gain from the trigger. MVIS gained as much as 13% in a couple of days, AEN triggered at 1.44 on the 4th- a 32% 1 day gain from the trigger. Now BQI from the same list has shown some significant gains today. The point is, these double digit gains are hard to find, we've seen a lot lately, but finding them and entering them are just the start, then there's manageing and exiting them. As I've said, these are short term gains and you don't want to lose them. I favor taking some or all off the table on any double digit gain, if I leave something on the table, I run a trailing stop nice and tight. The trades are there, the gains are there-don't refuse a gift from the market, they don't come all that often.

You have to do what fits your trading style, but I'm here to help in any way I can so email me when you need to and perhaps we can extract the maximum gains.

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