Monday, February 28, 2011

Main Stream Press

Last night I mentioned the North Korean crisis and how they'll deal with it, typical-Nationalism united is the dictators first choice in dealing with social unrest.

Events in Kuwait-despite the cash for protesters may be rising.

Oman is in it's 3rd day of protests....

And the Saudis are getting nervous-I hope none of my members are from S.A. as you may lose your internet access, I hope not, but it was the first thing Syria did when they saw protests taking shape and Egypt tried it as well.

Latest Breaking and important news out of Libya is the repositioning of US forces around Libya. There have been attempts to get the UN involved-these things never seem to go well in Africa, but we can't forget nearly a million dead in Rwanda in less then 100 days while we went on with out lives. 7 years later and we still can't get a government in Iraq to stand on it's own two feet and that's just 3 religious groups. Libya has some 6 or 7 Tribal groups, sort of similar to Afghanistan where the government can barely project power outside of the capital. 

Just think of 10-12 failed governments in the middle east... And the Fed still, even today through William Dudley is still crying totally naively innocent as to food and commodity inflation worldwide which is what TRULY SPARKED THESE OUTBURSTS.

In his speech today, he said: "Fed is not an exporter of inflation and not to blame for inflation in emerging markets"

"Current Fed policy is in the interest of the world's economy"

It's like that child rhythm, "whoever smelt it, dealt it" and the more the Fed protests their innocence, the more clear they make their guilt in having some responsibility.

Again for your gratification-the chart of the commodity complex which fits right in there with QE 1 and 2

That's a 50+% rise in 7.5 months. At this rate, we could see a double by the time a year passes. Although something will most likely break before then, but it will be too late for many countries.

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