Thursday, December 29, 2011

I apologize in advance

These aren't meant to offend any one, today is just really dull and these gave me a chuckle, it was either this or pictures of what my dog has recently destroyed and I can't really top the 12" hole she chewed in my last memory foam mattress.

 Turbo Tax Timmy! Does anyone really get it, how an un-convicted tax cheat becomes the head of the Treasury?

 A New Species discovered!

 Rumors of Kim Jong's death greatly exaggerated.

 Here's to hoping! At least it would make for an interesting 4 years at the F_E_D

OK, couldn't resist after slandering my daughter, she really is loving.

Maybe a little too much.

And if I weren't so lazy in the morning, I could enjoy this everyday with a 3/4 of a mile drive from my home....

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