Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Consumer Confidence Presents a Very Mixed Eco-Bag Today

Durable Goods was the Horrible report, Case Shiller was the bad, Consumer Confidence was the great report.

Here's the CC from 10 a.m.

Released On 2/28/2012 10:00:00 AM For Feb, 2012
PriorConsensusConsensus RangeActual
Consumer Confidence - Level61.1 64.0 62.0  to 67.0 70.8 
So Consumer Confidence comes in nearly 7 points above consensus and a big tick up since prior.

A truly mixed bag.

In Europe, the LTRO just began, results will be announced tomorrow. The data from the last LTRO shows banks who took the money (like the F_E_D's discount window 2008) have been punished by the market, so it will be interesting to see what banks pop up as having participated and perhaps there's a trade or two in there, I'm thinking specifically pair trades between those who did dip and those who did not (long / short).

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