Monday, March 19, 2012

Credit still selling off

There's not too much standing out in the Credit/Risk Assets chart except Financial strength today and the notable underperformance of Industrials which can be seen just by looking at the Dow. The other notable is Credit which continues to sell off...

 High Yield Corp. Credit selling off again today.

 XLE / Energy has been a bit disconnected with the SPX, but on the day roughly in line.

 XLF is really the only notable out-performer today.

 Tech has been a little more in line with the SPX and is slightly out-performing.

Today's sector rotation makes clear Financial's dominance, interestingly though the defensive Utilities is hanging in there. Industrials have taken their first stumble in about a week.

Right now there market has the feel of trepidation. We'll see if the sector rotation changes.

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