Wednesday, July 18, 2012

GLD-This is why we don't chase

You may recall from the last GLD update, a strong 1 min positive divergence. I mentioned I'd like to see this build and widen to longer timeframes, but it was interesting and worth watching.

Here's what happened next...
 As an intraday timeframe, the 1 min kept running and GLD started following it, I would not chase GLD and certainly wouldn't with only 1 timeframe in a positive divergence.

 The 2 min chart remains in line at 11:04 as GLD starts running intraday, but not showing the migration of the positive divergence.

GLD presently on the 1 min, it ran and then reversed, if you chased this you'd probably be at a loss or break-even right now. We want strong probabilities across multiple timeframes.

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