Friday, September 7, 2012

Pre-market-Opening Indications

Please excuse my tardiness, my wife had to get her biometrics done at an immigration center today, from which I recieved a phone call that theie medical officer was going to call an ambulance as she was having a breathing attack so I needed to drive to the center, make arrangements to get her and her car and am just returning.

I have been watching the market and will be on track now that we are back.

Here's ES and NASDAQ Futures from overnight/pre-market and in to the present.

 ES looks a bit different pre-market than NQ as you can see ES above with a positive divergence in to the European open and a negative in to the US open.

While NQ gained in to the European open it was negative in to the gain until it saw a steep decline pre-market and is currently in line on the US open.

Averages coming next

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