Friday, November 16, 2012

Leading Indicators

In a lot of these, especially Credit, they all seemed to move together yesterday at 1 pm. There are some interesting daily closes as well.

 High Yield Credit vs SPX (green) note 1 pm yesterday

 The daily of High Yield Credit, if you were trading HY Credit, you got rocked yesterday and Wednesday on a stop run. Note the beautiful bullish reversal Hammer formed yesterday and today's move thus far is huge confirmation of that hammer.

 High Yield Corp. Credit also moved at 1 p.m., also closed the daily on a bullish reversal hammer on rising volume.

 HY Junk Credit, Also yesterday 1 pm, also a closing bullish reversal hammer.

 FCT  also put in a huge closing Hammer yesterday (bullish with an enormous confirmation candle today.

I find it interesting not only credit, but even FCT all took out support, ran stops, put in very bullish candles with very bullish confirmation today, this is a run right at EXACT support. The timing of this is certainly interesting and that so many different and unrelated risk assets did the same thing.

 This is what the Euro looked like yesterday with a huge leading positive divergence...

 Then today, intraday the market and Euro are in sync pretty well.

 Here's a break out of the $USD right above clear resistance, I have to wonder what happens next here, like Credit and it drops below support and hits a low below the range?

 TLT/Treasuries or the "Flight to Safety Trade" has been seeing longer term negative divergences.

 The intermediate timeframes though are showing extreme momentum as the last several days we have seen that almost every where.

3 min chart, the trend is leading negative, but I wanted to show the intraday at what also looks likw a false breakout here, perhaps like the $USD?

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