Friday, May 31, 2013


Here's the P/L for a bunch of trades all taken on yesterday in the last hour of trade.

The fill for the QQQ Puts gave us a gain of +18.5%

The fill for the XLF Puts gives us a gain just shy of +15%

Not bad for an hour of market exposure.

DGLD actually didn't fill for me until this morning, I placed it late, it went in to the next day's que and I couldn't find a cancel so I left it and the 3X inverse ETF yielded a small gain of $1 a share, less than the 1.89%

I could have made a decent gain with MCP had I closed it on the open.

I still have this 15 min positive and range as does the market so there may still be hope.

I have been considering putting a real model portfolio on the new site which is coming along, this has been something I've wrestled with for a long time. It obviously would not track all positions, it would be a specific trading portfolio but my fears are that too many members may try to follow what I do exactly and that's not what I want to encourage, I want to encourage you to use the information and incorporate it in to your own style of trading. What works for me isn't going to work for all of you. For instance, I have an extremely high risk tolerance, it doesn't cause me to lose sleep, I don't get nervous or upset about deep drawdown so long as I still have an objective edge I believe in and if members tried to follow my trades, I don't think all members could stick with them and even a fantastic trade could end up being a horrendous loss for members. 

WOWS was NEVER meant to be a "Follow me", "guru" type of site, it has always been about helping you find what works for you and incorporating the information and concepts we have as well as tools to enhance your own trading. In essence, to teach a person to fish (and help them teach themselves how to fish) rather than create WOWS crack heads that just want to be lead by the nose. 

I'll admit, I'd have a much bigger site if I marketed myself as a guru and just gave away trade ideas and didn't waste anyone's time with the concepts, there are a lot of people that want nothing more than that, but to me, that's very dangerous.

The other problems have been, well the MCP problem. MEMBERS COME FIRST, which means my money would come second or third and rather than selling MCP at a profit, I'd be watching the open to make sure nothing horrendous is happening, looking out for my members.

Certainly not lastly as there are many issues, but one of them has been that I've had a lot of members over the years ask if I trade my own account and what my policies were if I did, what they were concerned about and rightfully so was whether or not I was entering trades and then posting them, effectively front running my members which wouldn't make much difference most of the time, but in an illiquid stock, it could make a big difference and I could stand to profit off my members. Those of you who know me know I'd never do anything like this, but its a valid concern. I suppose a timestamp of the execution of my position would clear that up.

So those are a few issues I'm wrestling with, otherwise I think a real model portfolio that goes in to more risk management on actual trades, would be beneficial.

We'll see.

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