Tuesday, August 27, 2013


There are a lot of potential trades, I wish we had another hour or two in the day to see these mature a bit more.

Here are some that I'm considering, but on a truly speculative basis, as in half size a normal spec position and maybe I'd add to it tomorrow. REALLY most of these need a couple more hours to mature so really the best thing to do is to be patient, but these are high on the watchlist.

IYT (Transports) long/calls

DUST long (already at 10% gain) long

SLV short/leveraged short ETF/Puts

XOM long/calls

AMD long/calls

TLT hold long

PCLN very spec. long/calls

Possibly VXX short

any of the averages, BUT they don't have enough reversal process, BIDEN IS TALKING AND THAT ISN'T HELPING.

IF I went with one, probably DIA.

AAPL is getting close too.

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