Friday, August 16, 2013

Opening Indications

Pretty much right off the open, many of the things I posted last night in futures have started happening, for instance the $USD is gaining and the Yen falling, creating a stronger USD/JPY, there are some very interesting signals in SPY, QQQ, IWM, XLK, XLF, GOOG, VXX, GLD and SLV all along the lines of what was talked about in last night's post and the futures post.

Further more the open leaves plenty of room for a number of those candlestick reversal patterns, but the one I'm thinking of most is a "Tweezer Bottom.

In short most market assets are looking stronger with the exception of the ones that would need to move down to help the market such as VXX. GLD and SLV both have what look like head fake signals above yesterday's very clear range.

GOOG is looking like a stronger and stronger bounce candidate.

I'll get charts up, but there are so many different ones that I wanted to get this note out now rather than after capturing and uploading all of those charts.

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