Friday, October 11, 2013

Daily Wrap Part 2

This is what I had planned, so I hope you can see why I waited and I think we all appreciate the last two charts above this (all screen captures that I post are saved to my desktop, these were just the captures for last night's Daily Wrap (I blurred out any files that were unrelated).

Yes, each one of those little black spots is a chart, each of the white spots is a P/V relationship, a CONTEXT model or SPY Arbitrage. The one area circled in red is a cluster of about 20 files, these were all for the Daily Wrap, can you imagine?

I do think there is huge value in going back and reading Wednesday's Daily Wrap , see what we were expecting for yesterday:

-Check out the candlesticks I drew in Wednesday night as probabilities for yesterday's closing candlestick.
-Check out the rare, daily VIX sell signal on my Custom DeMark-inspired "Buy/Sell" indicator. -Look at what the 3C charts in Index Futures, Market Averages, Industry Groups & Bellwether Stocks had to say.

It's not that long of a post, but compare it to Thursday's close, there were some incredible forecasts there that we made some good money with yesterday.

Now, to deal with today's.

In any case, there are some important charts that I will share with you, I promise it won't be anything like this.

As for opening action, it's quite normal after yesterday's performance to see follow through orders, people chasing as they missed yesterday's move.

OK, lets move forward, I just want to remind you that sometimes we learn more about the market and our trading by looking back once in a while.

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