Friday, March 14, 2014

Closed Trades and Some Ideas

As far as what was closed and opened today (only QQQ calls opened), here's why and you might see some longs that are VERY short term and speculative in nature because long in these assets is trading against probabilities, it can be done, but you have to understand that.

 PCLN distribution and now accumulation, not my favorite because the reversal process doesn't look complete, but a decent 5 min positive divegrence.

NFLX, I feel the same way, this only has a 3 min positive, I'm not interested, I'm more interested in shorting a bounce to fill out core short positions.

 XLF/Financials which could be played long with UYG long (2x leverage ) or FAS long (3x leverage) for a short term long, there's a decent positive and reversal process, still only 3 min though.

Last night I mentioned the XLF trade set up, it looked like this...

Because the longer term charts are in such bad shape like this, a short term bounce should be used to short financials in my view, whether puts, XLF short or FAZ long. Here's the recent post on Financials and the trade set up.

 5 min VIX futures with no confirmation, longer term they look great, short term they look like they'll come down, thus closing the UVXY trading position, you can play SVXY long as a short term play on this divergence.

I actually like SVXY for a VERY short term long short VIX futures trade as far as an equity position (long).

I "may" put that one in the trading portfolio just to balance out or hedge the shorts there.

 And of course the Q's 1 min leading even more recently today.

And the 5 min, you could play QLD as a 2x leveraged short term long trade or TQQQ 3x leveraged QQQ long.

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