Thursday, July 10, 2014

USD/JPY Forecast Follow Up

I wanted to return to this forecast for USD/JPY which used multiple timeframe analysis to arrive at the conclusions. The forecast was from this Tuesday, July 8th in the post, MARKET UPDATE/ LEADING INDICATORS, FX...t

I'm going to paste the entire section on USD/JPY expectations/3C forecast, the point I'm trying to make is that beyond putting pieces of the puzzle together, this information is useful on its own for individual trades and more than likely it shows just how far ahead of the game Wall St. actually is. While they may or may not have known (and may or may have not helped shape) the fall-out from a Portuguese bank missing a bond payment the very next day, make no mistake that it's VERY unlikely that elements on Wall Street didn't know this was an issue that was going to be coming to a head, that's why they have professional networks (essentially ex-pros in their fields dispersing inside information for a hefty price). As I've shared with you, I've seen their inside research and 6 months or more ahead of the game, that's how far they are planning in advance and as some of you have seen, my "Home-Builders" charts from 2000 when they were under heavy accumulation as the Tech bubble was bursting, how did they know years in advance that Home-Builders (some gaining over 3000%) would lead the next bull market?

Here's the actual charts and commentary in italics from the post linked above.

"As far as the carry trade, USD/JPY...
 Initially as it was moving sideways it has a strong leading positive divegrence, that quickly fell apart so I'm not sure if that's part of an intraday pullback or perhaps there's something else going on in the pair.

As far as the components (FX...USD/Yen) that move the pair...
 The Yen intraday looks like it wants to pullback which would be positive for the USD/JPY. The $USD has no 1 min intraday signal.

At 5 min the Yen is perfectly in line so it has not seen any strong distribution/selling on a 5 min chart at all.

The 5 min $USD looks like it wants to bounce which would be helpful for the USD/JPY, but...

At 15 min the negative divegrence is larger than the positive we have now, thus it would suggest a bounce and then return to more negative tone.

The 30 min $USD suggests the sme, but on a stronger scale, this would mean a USD/JPY bounce would not likely hold very long, thus not help the market very long before it heads lower and pressures the market lower."

The bottom line is summed up at the end, "This would mean a USD/JPY bounce would not likely hold very long, thus not help the market very long before it heads lower and pressures the market lower."

Lets see what happened since then...
"This would mean a USD/JPY bounce would not likely hold very long, thus not help the market very long before it heads lower ..."

"and pressures the market lower."

As I often remind you, we can often see what Wall St. is doing in underlying trade, but if you want to know why, by the time you find out, the chance to have made money from the insights will be long behind you.

I don't just put the market updates out for general information, they are actionable.

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