Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I've had some questions overnight about the new site and yesterday's post, NEW WEBSITE. This is why I wanted to get it out there and in your hands early so everyone knows what's what (including myself Ha!)

In any case, last night I showed a screen capture of the following to subscribed to different categories of content for email delivery or you  can subscribe to all like you receive now...
This is the area I was talking about. I've had some questions as to whether these are subscription upgrades or additional services,  they are not. We have 1 level of membership, no upgrades, no upselling, so pick whatever categories you like or all of them, it doesn't change anything about your member's subscription, it's just to give some of you who requested more flexibility, just that.

Please note the "Receive email as:" at the top. Make sure you check off HTML if you want to receive charts on the email delivery.


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