Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We See the Game Now, We find Out the Name Later

3C shows us the game is afoot, but as I have told you, it's often only later we find out how all the moving parts come together.

A story reported in the Wall Street Journal Tuesday brought back into question, the questionable results of the European Bank Stress tests. I had written back then that they were viewed skeptically when they were released. Apparently today there were some legs to that skepticism.

Euro Banks that hold risky government debt more or less found ways to keep it off their balance sheets or disguise it as something else entirely.

The release of the story sent European markets tumbling, earlier Asian trade had been largely up as follow through of the US rally on Friday, so this story is the one that brought down Europe and this morning the US markets. If you cant access the entire story then do a Google search for "Stocks fall on fresh European bank concerns Wall Street Journal"

Here are some key effects of this and see if they sound familiar:

"The dollar strengthened against the euro and investors bought U.S. Treasurys on the new European bank concerns."

"With investors worldwide moving out of stocks, U.S. bond prices climbed"

Any of this sound familiar? 

Since August 30th, the analysis here has been right on, we've just been waiting for the catalyst to reverse the market creating a Bull Trap after the shorts were squeezed last week. 

The release of this information on Tuesday, after there was apparent accumulation in the dollar and treasuries last week is a little odd in its timing isn't it? Remember I thought the bounce would last through last week. Last night I didn't see any economic releases that could have been a catalyst for our move down, but a few hours of sleep and BOOM! There it is in the morning.

Do you suppose that this caught Wall Street off guard after all you have learned and witnessed here at WOWS? I don't think so. As I have said many times, the media is complicit, whether willing or unwillingly, they are used to help Wall Street pull off these scams.

You know that even knowing and seeing what we see, the game is still a difficult one, can you imagine how 99% of the Joes are able to play this game when they are totally blindfolded. Apparently Bill Cara was even caught off guard although in his post sent to me this morning, he sounded quite irate and blamed this on obvious manipulation. We saw the start of this manipulation last month!

So, I know it was tough to hang in there, we may have more tough days ahead, but I hope you feel you got your money's worth and I hope you don't chalk this up to paranoid coincidence, THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES ON WALL STREET.

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