Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Look at Some of the Leveraged Short ETFs

I just found this to be interesting...

These are longer term charts of leveraged short ETFs

 FAZ-Short Financials

 FXP short China 25 (this one we've been trading)

 SIJ-look at the confirmation on the downtrend and the first positive divergence in months in Industrials

 SKF short Financials, the last positive divergence that lifted SKF was rather small compared to this one...

 The updated Edwards and McGee take on wedges, no they don't break out at the apex any more, rather they build a base and look at the red arrow, there's the little head fake shakeout...

 SRTY, note the increased positive divergence at the shakeout (30 min)

 SRTY 15 min again, accumulation at the shakeout.

 TYP Short Tech, the last positive never even went leading.

 TZA Short small caps, there's that same wedge behavior and shakeout.



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