Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I had at least 3 emails this morning from traders who either shorted AMZN near the highs, my take was "I'd take the money and run", it's a gift, a longer term position is something else and I'm a bit nervous in front of the F_E_D, but in any case, this is why I said I'd take the profits as we were near the lows, it had nothing to do with 3C at all...
 As you can see, 3C wasn't giving any positive signal at the bottom....

 This is just typical market behavior and at support at yesterday's close that's the most obvious place for an oversold correction, just market behavior.

As far as AMZN as a position, it's still a short open position, I'm really more interested in trying to see how the market is positioning ahead of the F_O_M_C right now than enter positions.

This however is the same longer term chart that showed there was some trouble in AMZN posted yesterday, so if I weren't otherwise pre-occupied or didn't already have exposure to AMZN, I'd probably be looking at it closely for the best place to start a position , mostly watching momentum indicators on AMZN and the market in general, however as I said yesterday, in the larger scheme of things, a percent here or there is semantics.

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