Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Looking for the smoking gun

The last time we caught an apparent F_E_D leak, it was so apparent that we immediately opened trades about 2 hours before the F_O_M_C, they were right on and this wasn't an ambiguous signal, it was screaming.

So in looking for the same today in a lot of averages, I kind of just thought about the original premise of trend 1 and 2, checked again to make sure there are enough charts to back a trend 2 still and then took a step back and wondered if the smoking gun is right in front of us-this would be the most obvious place for the highest probability moves and the largest underlying activity.

A simplified perspective that doesn't break down short term or intraday results, but may be more than just a future promise as to what is going on inside this trend, they are the long term charts (10-60 min)






 30m (yellow denotes head fake areas)

 15 m



30 m

Not that I've given up on looking for that smoking gun, we caught GOOG earnings 15 minutes before the close and earnings, so I'm still looking about.

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