Thursday, June 27, 2013

FED Jawboning, IWM Short Squeeze

Look at the IWM right now intraday, that's what a short squeeze looks like and it seems our F_E_D speakers today were helpful in getting that started.
No pullbacks of any significance, a near diagonal line, very indicative of a short squeeze which are often on lower volume than you might think.

The IWM is still coming up to gap resistance though.

There was definite improvement intraday, .but I don't think it will be enough in the short term, I think the plan will still likely be the same.

Take the SPY.
 SPY improved on the intraday 1 min right near intraday lows.

The 2 min is now in line, but...

The 3 min hasn't turned down yet and completed the pivot, but I think it probably will.

I think the intraday charts in HYG suggest this is a higher probability.

So if I'm trading very nimbly in and out of positions, I think there will be a pivot in which a lot of positions become excellent entries and some perhaps like the IWM if you are trading it on short term options, will likely be in a good place to close them on the momentum.

There are several others that look like they will be interesting candidates, I already suspect they are, but would like to see a little more confirmation.

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