Friday, October 18, 2013

Adding SRTY (3x short Russell 2000 ETF) long

Normally I wouldn't do this, because even though the longer term charts are negative and are in the right place and we have these sharp changes today as if something big is about to happen and only those on the street know, I still am a firm believer in the reversal process, a move up in SRTY from here would be more of an event rather than a process, but this is why I'm not going with options, the draw down on SRTY would be less, the risk is much more manageable, but seeing what I'm seeing and you saw some of it earlier with HYG and I'll show you more, I want to have at least a spec or trading position in place.

I truly haven't seen this in a while, usually there's a process and it builds, these are very sharp turns in assets.

VXX shouldn't be trading near break even on the day with the SPX up +.66%

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