Monday, December 30, 2013

Desperately Seeking a Hedge

I'm looking everywhere for a long trade as a hedge against all the short positions in the trading portfolio and I can't find one I trust and has enough Beta to perform the task of hedging 6 other positions.

AAPL is about the best I've found, yet again the beta isn't near enough to cover 6 other positions.

I may take AAPL as a very short duration long (likely closed tomorrow), but again I can't see it offering enough profit potential, as a call maybe, but I'm a bit concerned about the implied volatility, last week it was very high in a number of assets so I may end up paying some ridiculous premium to sell in to lower premiums and it doesn't hedge the trading portfolio.

That said, the short trades look AWESOME, I'll post what a few look like, maybe vs AAPL and you tell me where you'd rather be.

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