Monday, May 5, 2014

Futures Update

I suspect a lot of the blah-ish market action today as well as the several signals or timeframes in numerous assets that were not quite there, may have had something to do with AAPL taking out $600, I certainly think the VIX action today was a slam down to help AAPL and the Q's.

In any case, now that the orders there have been hit, it seems there's a bit different tone that started developing just before the close as posted Market Starting to Reveal More About Intraday Trade

 This version of 3C was first created to use for after hours trade, this is AAPL after hours to the far right in the light shaded area, it seems to be seeing some distribution in AH as we saw earlier in some very early timeframes (early in the process for those timeframes, but not for the asset in general as the 10-60 min and 1-day are already quite bad).

Since AAPL took out the $600 level just before the close there was a definitive change in character in the 3C signals as posted above, here are what the futures are looking like right now.

 ES with a VERY tight range and a leading negative divegrence

 NQ or NASDAQ 100 futures, also seeing a leading negative 1 min chart, I'll be interested to see what this looks like later tonight.

And Tf/Russell 2000 futures with the exact same type of divergence, I doubt that's an anomaly.

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