Thursday, May 7, 2015

BABA Follow Up

The BABA calls from May 4th were initiated here Trade Idea: Speculative (BABA) Long/Call and the reasons why on the charts are here, BABA Charts... from the same day.

You may recall we had an initial trade-set-up before entering the position above, also from May 4th, Trade Set-Up: BABA

Once BABA fulfilled our expectations of the trade set up, Trade Set-Up: BABA...

By making a move below this clear range and showing accumulation of the stops that were hit which is detailed here, BABA Update and the confirmation of accumulation of those shares and thus our original trade set up which was the caveat needed to add to the BABA position and bring it from speculative to full size was here on the same day, May 5th...BABA Moving in the Right Direction.

As for the P/L for the position...

The cost basis was $3.60 and the fill on closing BABA calls this morning was $8.20 for better than a double.

I know some of you got in to the BABA position from my inbox this morning, congratulations on your gains, but I can only show you the charts and data, you're the ones who did the hard part on a trade idea in front of earnings.

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