Monday, July 13, 2015


The move to the new website is right around the corner and I wanted to send everyone a heads up.  This new site will have content from the Trade-Guild website and Wolf on Wall Street in one place in an attempt to lessen confusion and make things more automated, freeing up some of my time which can be better spent in more productive ways.

 Once we start the transition, as a member you will receive an email with your username and password and a link to the new website.  Your user-name will be your first initial and last name as it appears on you Paypal subscription, i.e. William Smith= WSMITH.  The initial password will be WOWS in all caps. Once you are logged in you should go to “Edit your profile” and change your password. The initial email containing your username and temporary password will be sent to the email that is linked with your Paypal account. There will be more specific details about the site in this email.

You will receive the username/password in advance and have access to the new site and time to become familiar with additional features while updates still go to the current Blogger/Wolf on Wall Street website with email updates continuing as usual until I post the date we will officially transition to the new website. I just want to make sure everyone is established first and all questions have been answered.  Nothing will change with your current recurring subscription and beyond optimizing your profile settings, there is nothing you will need to do. 

I know most of you receive the posts/articles via email and this will continue on the new site. However you’ll now have the ability to select specific post/article types for email delivery in your settings or simply receive all categories by default.

Thanks to all of you and your support, Wolf On Wall Street has been rapidly growing.  My goal in all of this is to have happy and successful traders.  If you are pleased with the service that has been given and you would like me to add a testimonial to the site, it would be graciously appreciated.  You can send me an email and let me know if you would like your name and/or location attached to it or not.

Thank you for your patience with this move and I will answer any questions you may have as soon as I can.  If it's a little more complicated I may forward your email on to Andrea who has been working on creating the new website.  Thank you!

Brandt Hackney

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