Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Seasonal Tidbit

Just browsing for any potential news while the risk/credit template loads and saw this,

The week on Thanksgiving over the last 10 years has averages -.02%, or nearly flat. This week the S&P is down -3.8%, making this week worse then the same week in 2008.

Just in case you were wondering where we stand as I have often mentioned, Fear is a stronger emotion then greed, thus markets fall much faster then they rise, have a look at the October rally retracement.

The rally top to bottom has retraced nearly 62% with the majority happening in the last 6 days, and nearly the total retacement happened over 7 days whereas it took 18 (what seemed like 18 very long days) days to rally.

I think the question of the triangle top that caused so much controversy in technical circles has been put to bed and just in case you don't recall were WOWS came down on the issue (usually I'd say false upside breakout), it was simply too obvious of a pattern and everyone thought, "Head Fake", so once again the market did what it does best.

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