Thursday, April 25, 2013

GLD & SLV P/L & Charts

The SLV 22 Calls from yesterday yielded a gain of +95% for a day.

The GLD May 10 $130 Calls yielded a gain of 93%

As for the charts, my belief is we have much more upside to go, but that it's also probable to re-enter these positions at a lower cost basis than what they were just sold for, adding additional profit.

 SLV intraday was losing momentum.

The 1 min chart was a little less than in line, but then shifted to a more negative position just before it went lateral and then started a decline.

SLV 2 min with the positive that was one of the charts that convinced me to enter and a negative making me think we get at least a gap fill.

 SLV 3 min also positive yesterday, a good entry signal and a negative today, a decent short term exit signal, it looks like we sold right at the high of the day.

SLV 5 min is negative, but not that bad so I think we can re-open the position at a better cost basis on a pullback as long as there's 3C accumulation.

 GLD intraday was losing momentum...

2 min intraday 3C was negative

The 5 min is similar to SLV, we have the same gap.

I know a lot of you did very well, I hope many more did just as well.

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