Thursday, April 25, 2013

Market Update

What a strange market, I'm guessing this is the early a.m. trade games. The negative divergence suggesting the market pullback is still there on the timeframe that count. The Euro, EUR/USD and $AUD are all showing initial signs of a positive divergence in the futures and the $USD a negative, which is market supportive.

I also took a QUICK look at Leading Indicators, Credit, Yields and Commodities are market supportive intraday so you'd think we'd be seeing stronger market signals, but in fact we are starting to see deterioration in the intraday 1-2 min charts that had been confirming the upside, just when the currencies seem to be turning more supportive.

I would "Consider" a short term position in either a BEAR ETF for one of the market averages (I prefer leverage) so SQQQ, SRTY, SDOW or SPXU or perhaps some short term calls. I would at least be looking at them and be ready to open at a moment's notice if we get the short term confirmation that the longer charts are indicating, A MARKET CORRECTION/PULLBACK.

I'll continue to update.

Lets see what a potential change in directions in currencies does for Precious Metals.

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